
In Talk: Industry Analysis & Future Trends

Over the past five quarters, Industry Talk has focused on operations research application scenarios such as intelligent decision-making, energy, and finance. We have invited heavyweight guests from startups to industry leaders to present the latest developments in these sectors. These discussions not only analyzed the core challenges faced by various industries but also showcased the crucial role and development trends of operations research in these fields. In the future, we will continue to explore more industry themes and encourage everyone to put forward valuable opinions and suggestions to jointly promote the development and progress of the industry.
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OR Talk: Sparking Academic Inspirations

OR Talk is dedicated to providing in-depth interpretations and wide-ranging promotion of academic achievements. We invite expert guests to share their latest scholarly accomplishments or to conduct thorough analyses and discussions of classic and trending topics. Through these fascinating presentations and open discussions, OR Talk aims to unveil the trends in technological development, analyze the core challenges faced, and bring about a profound brainstorming experience for all participants. Moreover, through community interactions and exchanges, participants can not only meet like-minded friends but also collectively “level up” on their academic exploration journey.
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Tech Talk: Technical Insights into the Future

Tech Talk focuses on the application of academic achievements in real-world scenarios. In each issue, we invite industry experts to share their experiences and insights on successfully applying technological theories to practical problems. Through sharing and Q&A sessions, the entire process from “problem discovery - research exploration - practical application” is presented, guiding participants to gain an in-depth understanding of the stories behind technological practices and providing guidance for technological exploration in specific domains.
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Welcome to ORAI China

Bridge the chasm between academia and industry & span the gulf between theory and practice.
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